caucus for climate illustration, features banner, parents, community, caucusing for climate

Will you commit


caucus for climate action?

Tuesday, February 1st at 7PM

Republican or Democrat, Green, Independence, or Libertarian, Tuesday, February 1st at 7pm is your night to make sure your party takes responsibility for our climate crisis.

It’s the night all of Minnesota’s political parties gather—to elect leaders, debate platforms, and decide priorities.

We can make climate a top issue in 2022—but It starts with you.

Never caucused before?

Nervous about attending due to COVID-19? Or are you curious about how to participate remotely?  We can help.

We are holding Caucus for Climate Office Hours over the next week.

Wednesday, January 26th from 12:30 - 2:00pm

Thursday, January 27th from 6:30 - 8:00pm

Monday, January 31st from 6:30 - 8:00pm

These will be super informal.  We’ll just be hanging out on Zoom ready to answer your questions.  You can join for 2 minutes or stay for longer.